Wednesday 16 October 2013

How to build your confidence?

While writing a blog may seem the opposite of building confidence, it can actually be a helping hand. Being able to be confident is translated by what you think and how you express it, therefore it can be shown through anything whether it be writing or speaking. So in this I will explain a few tips how to build your confidence, not egoism, but confidence.

We have all been in the situation where everyone's eyes have been glaring upon you and only you listening to every word that draws from your breath. At the time it can seem nerve-racking and makes you feel vulnerable, causing your confidence to wither down. Sometimes the silence of a split second drifts through the air and you find yourself panic struck trying to fill each silence with words. However, these such moments can be avoided, nerves can be turned into emotion and silences can be transformed into moments for people to reflect. This is about how to build your confidence when it matters most.

While it's not as silly as imaging people in their underwear, it is something remarkably similar. This is to remember, that is to remember that the people in front of you are only human, just like you and myself. There is nothing potentially worrying about talking to your friends but as soon as it's in front of a group of strangers our attitudes suddenly change. For no apparent reason our confidence is knocked and the best way to avoid such things are to follow a few steps. (From my own personal experience.)

·         Try to be calm, take deep breaths and articulate your thoughts slowly.

·         Practice what you are going to say

·         Put a bit of emotion into it, no one likes a droning monotone voice they could fall asleep

·         Who you addressing are only human, (to be cliché) be yourself

·         Know your stuff. If you do, it will all naturally flow.

·         Make eye-contact

·         Use "open" body language
Don't whisper and don't at just the right volume.

Hope this has helped and I will keep adding and editing.

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