Friday, 20 December 2013

Tainted conceptions of socialism

There's one word in my title that would jump out and suddenly create judgements and that is socialism. Now I don't want to argue for or even against socialism but rather look at it as a whole and its reactions from it.

I wish to start from the simple statement that the word socialism has become a word that people wish to avoid to associate themselves. This is understandable considering some of its theories have had serious implications, as shown in events such as the Cold War. 
However, I do not wish to go into historical debate but these events have shaped our views towards socialism. Now what are these views? I believe that I do not need to say as widespread this stereotype is, it is implanted into anyone interested in politics. This stereotype of socialism is that it is a threat to our freedom, security and something to be feared. I agree that a small minority is something we should not adopt by the 'left.' However there is a small minority of the right we should not adopt as we have seen with the rise of fascism. But I ask why is the concept of socialism seen as dirty, whereas conservatism is seen as a perfectly plausible.

The reason I believe is the use of propaganda, purposely aiming to taint the concept of socialism by associating it with tragic and awful events caused by unjustified use of power. If however such propaganda was used to taint conservatism then it would succeed, but why?

Well those to the right of the political spectrum tend to have money and power or aspire to have money or power. Therefore they have the willingness and resources to produce this propaganda to enforce a hatred towards a political ideal they do not agree with.

I shall conclude that socialism is a political concept we should not stamp out, reject or hate, neither should we fully accept it but see it as a perfectly reasonable conception of politics. Socialism has shed new light on social responsibility, equal opportunities and has challenged the existing power relations. Therefore if the new age of neo-liberalism/neo-conservatism has been brought about by the manipulation of a political concept, then we must reverse this propaganda to establish a political spectrum that has equal weighting. Otherwise we would end up with a political consensus that would lead to a more unjust weighting in power leading to the more extreme right.

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